Friday, August 04, 2006

El Birthday Loco

Yesterday was my buddy Brian's birthday, which is notable.

His wife threw him a party, which is festive.

We met at a Mexican restaurant, which is also festive.

We had to get a babysitter, which is expensive.

The kids love having a babysitter, which is heartwarming.

We arrived late, which is embarrassing.

The party wasn't a surprise, which is relieving.

The Mexican restaurant is owned by Asians, which is unusual.

The margaritas contained tequila, which is expected.

The bathroom was "unisex", which is trendy.

The bathroom contained a mop and cleaning supplies, which is unsettling.

The bathroom had no toilet paper, which is illegal.

The bathroom, instead, had a roll of paper towels, which is objectionable.

The party was "bring no gifts", which is acceptable.

Someone brought a gift, which is unacceptable.

She thought Brian was turning 40, and included a card that said, "Happy 40th", which is logical.

Brian is not yet 40, which is hilarious.


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the gift was very acceptable to my liver.


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