Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Café Olé!

You might think that a coffee shop would need to have hours of operation conducive to selling coffee. Like, say, some time in the morning. Well, sappy, you’d be wrong.

One particular coffee shop chain that resides in the mall next to my place of business refuses to be burdened with the trappings of such minor things as customer convenience or common sensibility.

Most coffee shops open at the crack of dawn and are geared toward helping people start their days with a friendly little eye-opener. Apparently, the one in my neighborhood decided to buck the system. To be the rebel. To stick it to the man. In this case, the man being me.

I suppose their business plan never addressed the fact that someone might want a cup of joe prior to 9:00 a.m. Or perhaps that far-fetched possibility just lost out to the more attractive idea of being able to sleep in. After all, if you’re looking to hire half-stoned slackers with zero ambition to grudgingly dole out your product, requiring a 4:30 a.m. wake-up call isn’t necessarily in your best corporate interest.

But then again, neither is supplying coffee as a breakfast-time beverage, it would seem.


At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like my kind of shop. I never buy coffee before 9:00 (unless I'm going to an early bike race), so I could go there. It also sounds like they stole the business plan of my future coffee shop, named "Go Away." The main philosophy being that the owner is always right....while the customer might or might not be right, depending on how it aligns with the owners thoughts. Or perhaps this shop just are going for the stoners.....folks that like to take their first bong hit at 8:30....and then it takes them an hour to realize that it's wearing off and it's time for coffee.

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man.....that first guys message is messed up. "this shop just are going for the stoners"....i mean....what's up with that....oh...i get it.

good one dude.


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