Friday, October 20, 2006

The Best Laid Plans

In my recent slackings I’ve learned something. People get pissed when you go more than a few days without updating your blog. In my case, they make snide comments, write pithy emails and make me ashamed of myself for having to result to using the word “pithy” in a public manner.

The usual lame excuses of having too much work at the office, too much work at home and too much pretty much anything else to just not be posting a blog entry simply fall on soulless, uncaring ears.

But the truth is, I have been slacking and I know it. Sure, I could have taken a few minutes here and there to pound out some crap about text-happy gay congressmen taking naked saunas with their childhood priests. Or Connie Chung’s sake-swilling Billy Carter-like brother busting off nukes on the Korean peninsula like it’s the freaking Tet New Year or something. But haven’t we all had enough of that?

I mean, if you’re going to come here by taking time out of your busy schedule of watching that item on eBay, playing suduku and unsuccessfully scrolling through your iTunes in search of something fresh, the least I can do is promise to put forth a little more effort. Right?

Well, wrong, actually. But I guess I will try to do better.


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