Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reach Out and Touch Someone

Or just keep them at arm’s length

Dinner’s over and the kids are in bed when the phone rings, interrupting the random Andy Griffith rerun and latest Google search for The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I drag my lazy butt out of the chair, walk across the room and utilize the $8.00 per month Caller ID service to figure out that I don’t want to answer it. So I allow the $7.00 per month voice mail service to take a message. Then I dial into my mailbox, only to hear the caller request that I return the call.

Now the ball is firmly planted in my court. Obligating me to actually INITIATE a telephone call that I tried to AVOID in the first place. And it only costs me $15 a month to be able to pull that off.

Technology rocks.


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