Friday, October 17, 2008

No Way Out

Man, what a crazy couple of weeks. So busy. Can't think. The work seems like it will never end. Then I noticed something on my computer. My know-all, be-all, do-all computer. The machine that has helped me solve so many of my problems, both at work and at home. Sometimes it seems as though Control, Alt, (Fill in the blank) can eventually fix just about everything. A few keystrokes and all of a sudden, the problem I thought I was having is simply a thing of the past.

Which is why I was so excited when I was looking at my calendar the other day. Could it really be that simple? Is it possible that Steve Jobs truly is omnipotent? From my MacBook Pro to my iPod, the technology at my fingertips sometimes makes me think so. And then I come across this little beauty. Potentially the answer to my never ending assignments and unrealistic deadlines! Could this really be the answer I've been looking for?

Nope. Not so much. Thanks for for getting my hopes up and then crushing my dreams, Steve. What's next? You gonna come up with an iPhone that's twice as fast at half the price? Oh, that's right. I forgot.



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