Thursday, January 04, 2007

Analogies, Part 1

A deeper look at five common items found around the workplace.

The Coffee Maker
The coffee maker is like a prostitute. You really want what it’s putting out, but no matter how good it might look on the outside, you know it needs a really good scrubbing on the inside.

The Fax Machine
The fax machine is like a can of Spam. You know it served a purpose at some point in the past, but you’re not sure why anybody still uses it.

The Computer
The computer is like a newborn baby. It’s filled with unlimited potential and it often makes you stare in awe, but you can’t cut it open to see how it works.

The Refrigerator
The refrigerator is like the zoo. It doesn’t house any domesticated pigs, yet it smells like it does.

The Boss
The boss is like Marmaduke. He’s the alpha male, completely in control of his surroundings, but everybody secretly resents him. Also he eats doo doo.


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